twinned with trumpton


Same Sh1t, Different Day

Sorry, different camera.

Quick search online and a quick detour added to the day's itinerary. And camera issues are sorted. Much the pedant in me felt I could blip a while yet with a camera with no screen and a likelihood that the power would go in anything more than a gentle breeze, I saw something I liked, so....

Sleepover with G & boys last night; hard work, but good. All went fine. G cooked pancakes for all this morning; then out and eventually wound up by a circuitous route at Ikea to buy a lightbulb (they didn't have any - well, not that I wanted)

So we had brunch, back to G's, dropped off and then home to chill.

An evening of either rugby or Strictly beckons.

**In other news - Wednesday 26th, 8pm, Caley Sample Rooms blip meet**

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