Being watched.

It sat on the roof,
Watching a silly black dog;
The pretty black cat.

My garden visitor has found a safer and comfier place to rest. It used to wedge itself on the corner of my fence but everytime Stella went out to the garden it felt compelled to jump off and run for its life. She'd never have caught it but it wasn't to know that.

Puddytat today had a perfect view of my daft Labrador barking her head off at absolutely nothing through the fence in the opposite direction. Maybe she was telling anyone that cared to listen that the damn cat was out of reach again!

Laundry and bedding changing has left me pretty much out of spoons today; may not even stay awake for X Factor.

Definitely don't feel up to cooking but I've defrosted chicken and my mum tells me too often that you can't mess about with chicken so it'll go in a big pot with some veg and will either smell appetising enough to give me the energy to eat or will be re-heated for Sunday lunch.

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