Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

The Granite City

A long, but good, day in Aberdeen. This was the very imposing building where we held our event - which looks so austere from the outside, but inside is a really warm, welcoming, community-minded arts centre. I really loved it.

I do love Aberdeen too, and was desperate to spend some time capturing the boats that come in from the northern isles etc, and moor up practically in the middle of the city centre. But sadly, this was a "out the hotel, into venue, out of venue, into car, back to office" kind of day.

Ah well. I did come home to discover my pic from Sat had made the spotlight page - the day after I discovered how it was the spotlight page actually worked, and resigning myself to never making it on there!! T'was ever thus huh? :-)

[Backblip to yesterday [url=http://www.blipfoto.com/view.php?id=496937&month=3&year=2010]here[/url]...and warm n fuzzy thanks to all for lovely comments over the weekend :-) xxx ]

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