IWD (x2)
Ok, so I didn't time this well. Today is not only International Women's Day, but also the first weigh-in for my Infernal Weight-loss Diet.
Now, I could go on at length about women having choices over their own body image, and how I'm doing this for my health, not any externally imposed impression of how I should look. But you either wouldn't believe me or would presume that anyway.
I'm not in the business of fighting stereotypes today. You go right ahead and think what you like. I've been meaning for ages to shift a bit of weight off, and if putting a picture of my toes* on here will make me stick to it better, then that's not a bad thing - whatever day it is. Anyway, I've had no chocolate today and I'm grumpy (though not in a yesterday-kind-of-way, you'll be relieved to hear) so think yourselves lucky you're not getting a lecture on maternal mortality.
Brownies tonight. We talked about women around the world, female empowerment, getting the vote, etc, etc. But I think they were mainly there for the jelly babies game.
*Note to self: embarking on a pedicure after a last gluttonous curry extravaganza with beer AND wine was foolish. Not just for the wobbly paintwork, but also the indigestion from bending in the middle to reach my toes.
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