at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Tidy room

Ivy spent the day with Janis the child minder, eating cornmeal muffins and playing with the cutest teeny tiny kitten. I think the amazingness of the day Ivy had can be summed up by the fact she had a change of leggings because her other ones were covered in chicken poo!

I spent the afternoon tidying up Ivy's room- which has proved quite hard to do recently since most of the housework gets down after she's in bed. Whilst Euan was away I decided to try something new and took Ivy's matress out of her cot and put it on the floor in the corner so she can get out as she pleases- hoping she'll play herself before coming through to our room herself. The position of the stairgate keeps her from reaching the stairs or the bathroom but gives her free reign of the rest of the upstairs.

We had a bath together in the evening since I'd missed her and thought she'd go to sleep easier if she was in a snuggly mood. She went to sleep on her matress very quickly after a cuddle and the sleep book.

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