Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Taking Grandma to Nandos

Tess took her Grandma to Nandos today. She survived the loud music and the need to shout over the huge table and announced the Caesar Salad was the best she'd ever tasted. This was after she'd also endured Primarche, where Tess had lured us in under the false pretences of buying a Christmas jumper, but somehow came out as a walking advert in a coca cola jumper. And before that it was just me and Ma Sinclair, on a behind the scenes tour of the Art Gallery. Jings! I'm surprised the gallery functions at all, the sorry state behind the scenes that the staff have endured for decades would have driven me mad, no room to swing a paintbrush let alone a grand master. Makes the coming multimillion pound refurbishment all the more understandable, the plans afoot sound amazing.

All this was going on while Sam was getting a trigonometry revision session with his Granda. Having a retired maths teacher in the family surely comes in very handy for all the grandchildren. Then Dave and Sam headed into see a bum numbing long movie at the Belmont.

But before all this gadding about town, Dave and I sneaked a walk round Kingseat this morning, walking over damp, leaf laden pavements on a November morning, reminiscing on when it was still an abandoned hospital where Sam would zoom round on his wee car and it wasn't uncommon to see a policeman up a tree with a gun. But that's another story. There was more Caesar in the evening, but no sign of salad, only crisps and pizza along with a Dawn of the Planet of the Apes movie at home.

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