
By Beewriter

Blippers Blipped

Oh what a wonderful day I have had! I jumped on the early train to London where I was met by the lovely Lazooligirl, she proved to be a tour guide extrodinaire and had the day planned out. We walked and talked and laughed and blipped, then walked and talked and laughed and blipped some more.

It was great to finally meet up with the delightful Jeanettie6 who joined us for lunch and then some walking and talking and laughing and blipping.

Places were pointed out to me and if I remember rightly (I may not due to much talking and laughing) I saw Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Covent Garden and Admiralty Arch. Jeanettie had to leave us and Lazooligirl and I went to a photo exhibition in the National Science Museum....very gritty and very good. We then played about with some light shots outside the Natural History Museum where there was an ice rink. It was all good fun.

Before I knew it the day was over and it was time to catch the train home. Lovely Lazooli took me back to the station and sadly we said goodbye...until the next time :))

A few more pics here if you fancy a shufty :)

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