Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

WhiskyFoxtrot Galore!

As many of you know, it's been a stressful few weeks for the Booknerd family - but Goatee and I are relieved to report that our dad is now out of hospital and back home. Goatee's been fantastic through all this and I've tried to do the best I can from a distance.

Thanks for all your good wishes for our dad, they've really been appreciated. The next stage is to ensure that he and his partner have the care they need at home and I'm off to London on Monday for a couple of days to see them and to help oversee the care arrangements.

I've barely touched my camera recently but that all changed today when Spokes and I took some time out and caught a train to York. As we were riding the rails north from Liverpool the wonderful WhiskyFoxtrot was heading south from Edinburgh and it was fantastic to meet her for a day of minimal sightseeing and maximum conversation!

We did manage a quick wander round the Shambles and the Minster but we spent most of the day chatting in cafés including the excellent Your Bike Shed cycle café and repair shop where this shot of WFT was taken.

WFT - it was a real pleasure to meet you. Thanks for your convivial company and general loveliness and we both hope to meet you again erelong, either north or south of the border!

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