A True Emergency .......

......... blip.

Made the mad decision to bake a Christmas cake (thanks a bunch, JazzyB with your Great Blippish Fake Off) - I love cooking but don't really " do " baking or make desserts ..... much prefer savoury dishes.
(Haven't baked a Christmas cake since I sent one to Himself out in The Gulf in 1990/91 and that one contained almost a full bottle of brandy as they weren't officially allowed alcohol - seems when he opened the tin the smell of alcohol almost knocked him backwards!!)

Off we trot to the supermarket for the ingredients and by the time we got back it was dark - I know now why I don't go grocery shopping on Saturdays - aaaargh!
Blip hadn't yet entered my head.

Soak the fruit and then eat tea while that was happening ..... then the new Sky box decided to play up (it keeps freezing when we try to change channels), there ensued an hour long phone call with a lovely man in Bangalore as he tried to put things right, sadly it didn't happen and we have to have a new one - the engineer comes on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately we have lost all recorded programmes and cannot record any new ones until it is sorted out - grrrrrrrrrrr.

The upshot of all that was the cake didn't make it into the oven until 10.30pm ....... just after I put it in I thought " hell, blip! " - too late to blip the uncooked cake, it was in and already started - so I ran round the house turning all the lights on at the back, sloshed carefully through all the wet leaves in the back garden (luckily missing any doggy-doo that may have been there) and took a few photos of the house in the dark!

Blip done with just an hour to spare - think that's the closest I have ever been to the 'deadline'. Uploading Sunday morning so technically a backblip but only by a few hours.

There you have it (if you haven't fallen asleep reading to the end).

~ Anni ~

Groan of the (yester)Day

A group of chess enthusiasts are standing in a hotel lobby discussing tournament victories. After an hour the manager walks up to them and asks them to go to their rooms.
" Why? " they ask as they walk away.
" Because " he replies " I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer "


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