Getting better all the time......

.....especially when the sun is there!
Finally escaped the warm cocoon that my bed has been for the last few days , and ventured forth into the world again, coughing and wheezing like a grampus!

And the numerous jet vapour trails hanging high in the still ,quiet ,evening sky spoke of a coming sunset.

And as blippers you will understand the compulsion that made me crank up the car and head to the top of the hill and look westwards!

And it was worth it...a beautiful sunset (see blipfolio )

And just by way of celebration ,up at the top of the hill with nobody else about but the cows and sheep, I cranked up the volume of the aptly named the Gloaming 's Freedom!

And it was Magic :-))

And the cows looked up and muttered "Oh , God ...that nutters back " !!!

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