Suddenly the light is back

We went for one of my favourite walks - down to a farm called Scolpaig and then around the headland near it. I think you must end up being the must northwesterly person in the country other than anyone lucky or foolish enough to be on St Kilda.
The view to the north is stunning over the Sound of Harris to the hills of the aforementioned Harris. It almost felt as if you could touch them.
In the evening we went out with some neighbours to the local hotel/shooting lodge to celebrate our wedding anniversaries. Amazingly theirs is exactly the same day but ten years later that ours.
Because this was organised we then got an invite to the "Second Night" of a wedding celebration. The tradition, I am told, is that the wedding party lasts for two nights rather than one, harping back to the days when the travel involved in getting to a wedding was not inconsiderable.
Two accordionists - one doubling up as a fiddler - a drummer and a guitarist along with an Eagles CD provided the music. Not unexpectedly the willow was stripped a few times helped by the ridiculously cheap price of alcohol. Tearful and drunken bridesmaids all contributed to local colour. Before we knew it, it was 3 am and a great evening had been had by one and all.

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