What no monkey!!!!!
I think this guy hasn't been told about the new/ old technology yet?
He has been inspiring the people for a number of years I guess!
On a somewhat dull day it's good to look at a " chappy" giving a bit of a lightheartedness to the crowds!
I am sad today one of my best friends died last night after a short illness, Rest in peace Ann and rise in glory" you will be forever in my thoughts, I shall miss you greatly goodnight and God Bless you xxx.
It has been a very mixed weekend, with some good things, like the C. Market reaching a total of £2000.00. but sad things like daughters of a friend and my cousin admitted to a mother and baby unit, not very well at all,hope you get well soon, and A having a temporary set back , hope that will be resolved soon.
Hope all had a nice weekend!
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