
By Angelique


Well not quite Joseph's coat. Sorry didn't blip yesterday, not a good day, decided best not to spread it about!!

Finally finished knitting Phoebe's winter jumper so she very kindly modelled it for me. After this initial trial, made a few adjustments so that it's less 'baggy' around the rear end.

Took Matthew out this morning and he looked really healthy. Talking a lot about Christmas and told me it was just 5 weeks until Monday. I reminded him that Christmas Day is Thursday and he just smiled. Then the 'penny' dropped. Five weeks until he comes home for the Christmas two weeks!!

Every year I feel I will be ready for the festive celebrations in February and this year is no different. It's almost as though it has crept up behind me without me noticing. Who stole this year!!

The dreaded Monday looming but at least this week it is short as we are taking a long weekend away in Falmouth starting on Thursday to celebrate Mr A's birthday. It would be good if we had good news on our house sale but we'll wait and see.

Hope Sunday has been kind to you all and I will now try to play catch up. Sending hugs. xxx

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