
By Negativewaves

My parents on Lookout Mountain

This is a picture of my parents on top of Lookout Mountain. Lookout Mountain is located in Tennessee and was known as “The Battle Above the Clouds”. My mom is extremely afraid of heights and it took a lot of convincing to get her to go to the edge to get this picture. She had a death grip on my dad the whole time and the look on her face was priceless. Lookout Mountain overlooks the City of Chattanooga and occurred in the Western Theater of the war. The Union Army bombarded the mountain before sending troops straight up the side. Eventually, the Confederates surrendered and the Union held the mountain. While my mom and dad went to visit a museum that is located on top of the mountain, I walked down some of the trails that give really good views of why the mountain was so important. It very quickly became one of my favorite places and I hope one day to return to it to hike down the mountain to see where some of the fighting occurred. While at the beginning of the war, the Confederates were winning decisive battles in the Eastern Theater, in the Western Theater, they were losing. This is one of the reasons they lost the war. Once the West was won, the Union army had the ability to strike the Confederates in the Deep South, splitting them in two. Lookout Mountain was one loss that was devastating to the South, and it gave the Union army a strong position before moving forward to victory.

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