
By Negativewaves

Virginia Military Institute

This is the Virginia Military Institute, which is located in Lexington, Virginia. This is where the famous “Stonewall” Jackson served as a professor before joining the Confederate army. The four howitzers in front of his statue were named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They went with the Confederate army in the beginning of the war and remained with them until they were returned to what is commonly known as “VMI”. The red carriages on the cannons symbolize that the tubes are not a regulation size. As the cannons were specifically made for the Cadets, they were smaller and easier to teach with. Therefore, according to the army, they required a red carriage instead of the regulation olive drab. This was taken on my second visit to VMI, and I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. It is still a fully functional college campus which is still strictly military based. It is very common to see cadets walking around in uniforms, and guards are posted around the area. When Jackson died of pneumonia after being shot three times by his own men at the battle of Chancellorsville, his body was brought to VMI where it was put on display before being buried in a cemetery on the other side of Lexington. I personally enjoy studying Jackson, and his tactics. My absolute favorite quote is from him, and I live by, “You may be whatever you resolve to be.” –General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

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