Past, present and future

November Theme Challenge Day 18: Tuesday Time – related to the past, present or future in any way

One year ago today, at around about the time I am writing this, I was walking around inside the house that my beautiful fiancée and I had just bought, although at the time she wasn't a fiancée - just a fabulously beautiful girl. I was pulling out the stinky carpets that evening.
It took a little while before the house was fit for us to move into. We still have a massive amount of work to do, but we have watched the garden waken in the spring, stood in the garden and watched the northern lights, played with the dogs in the sunshine in the garden. HV has been swimming and kayaking in the sea that comes to the bottom of the garden. Already the house is full of memories - fabulous evenings of laughter with each other and with good friends, sitting around the table in what will be the kitchen.
The dogs seem to love the house as much as we do, and Taliscularis the big is busy playing with a bit of bone, entertaining himself as I write.
There are, of course, many plans for the continuing renovation of our home. There will soon be a new boiler, new bathroom, and the renovations will roll on. Orcadee has been good to us both over the last year and it really does get better every day.
I am happier than I have ever been. Thank you Kayte, for us.

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