
November Theme Challenge Day 17: Monday Macro – any topic: extra challenge to fit with Mono Monday

This morning the woofer wander up the hill was dry overhead, splodgy underfoot and generally grey. The dogs chased a very enthusiastic rabbit for a long way before it disappeared into a burrow, much to the consternation of Taliscularis the Big.
I trundled off to work. A new week and a new project - re-fitting two en suite shower rooms in a local B&B. Having replaced a radiator and a kitchen tap I started on removing the old shower enclosure and tray. It has all been leaking, mainly because it was so badly fitted originally.
I stopped off on the way home to drop off my amplifier for repair, hopefully it will be back home soon.
Whilst waiting for my beautiful fiancée to return home, I thought I would take a few shots of this scapula I found on the shore a while back. The sea has worn the edges off the bone and left a fine honeycomb visible.

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