Oh Canada!

Many, many thanks to our Canadian friend who sent some gorgeous gifts for the girls that arrived by post today! I know the hat was part of a set for Ophelia, but Grace got her eye on it, so she can make the most of it too for now! Really kind of you, Lina. Thanks again :)

Had a mixed day today. On the downside, we went to look for a second car, which we will need once I go back to work and Grace starts pre-school, but we had no luck. On a much more positive note, we ended up at IKEA for a mooch around and some lunch.

The day then got better and better. When we got home, the parcel from Canada was there waiting for us, and also some visitors next door at my Dad's: two of my cousins. They had been in Yorkshire visiting my Aunt, their Mum, who has been very poorly since last September, and made the journey further north to see us too. My cousin Mike lives in Wiltshire, so we don't get to see him too often. His brother Steve lives on the Sunshine Coast in Australia, so we see him even less often - in fact I hadn't seen him since I stayed with his family back in 2003, so it was really lovely to catch up.

It was all a bit much for Ophelia, who had a very uncharacteristically tearful evening after the excitement and busy-busy of the day.

I was tired too, but have chilled out this evening by baking some gingerbread and some banana cupcakes ready for visitors and visits in the next few days. I wish we had 'smellovision' on blip, to capture the aromas from the kitchen right now!

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