It's All Over the Front Page....

Happy Pills, indeed, New Happy Pills are the cause of my all singing all dancing performance in the car this morning, whilst sitting in this traffic queue.

My journey to work, is 4.5 miles (I've recounted that enough on my cycles with bella bella), in the car it takes me 8 minutes. This morning, I sat for 20 minutes no further than 300 yards from my house - and that includes adding the longer bit of the road which I didn't drive down - the hedge on the right, leads straight back to my house.

We expected the delays - they started last week, but weirdly Himself and I have left the house at reasonable times this week - between 8 and ten past and gotten through in one change of the lights. This morning - twenty five past. and this was the result.

Weirdly there was a policeman standing next to the temporary lights - waving us through when they went green. I can only imagine there had been an instance of Colour Blindness resulting in everyone going at once.

I have no idea. I am just grateful my brain is sedated. I did wave to Himself behind me in the queue and warn him to stay calm. We couldn't have another exhibition of Saturday's road rage.

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