Ponies for the Disabled
I was hoping to get a decent sunset shot but forgot the sun doesn't get round far enough at this time of the year so I was thwarted. I know what I mean.
These are some of the ponies used by the disabled riding school. I thought they were old ponies but I caught two of them having a rare old time this morning, which I could have blipped but decided not to, just in case you were sensitive.
lynnfot was right about caterpillar pee eroding lightbulbs because it wasn't in there this morning and there was a big caterpillar sized hole in the side what a great big porky pie.
Anyway it had escaped, but I found another one, just like the other one, close to the conservatory doors making a bid for freedom. It is now safely ensconced in a carton with a big juicy leaf of its liking for company and food, obviously.
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