bucks life

By bucksmiss

Goodbye you fabulous woman...

I had a great night's sleep, probably because it was a no work day today and the thought of a hot shower and clean hair. I got on the road to Surrey at 9.15am and encountered the usual delay around the north west part of the M25 (I even had to call the police to report a lorry tyre blocking the outside lane) but arrived in time to grab a coffee.

Rachel's funeral was a sad affair. Everyone is still in shock that such a young woman so full of life has gone. I felt so much for her huge family, she was the youngest of ten. I got through several tissues and it was good to be there to pay my respects and say goodbye for both my sister and me. I went to the wake in a nearby pub and met a few of her family, who were most welcoming and keen to hear about Rachel's last week of life, spent staying with my sister.

The whole affair, coupled with B's death in August has made me take stock and consider the relative fleetingness of life for some. For me? Who knows. That's the point. It's at times like these that I usually feel the kick up the bottom to make changes in my own life so as to have as few regrets as possible. And now is no different. I want to hold on to that motivation and use it for the positive.

My journey home was marred by a long jam on the M25. I was aware that the M1 near Northampton was closed so opted for the A41 route home, which was a good call.

I've prepared a Waitrose recipe of wasabi and ginger pork balls in broth with pak choi and sugar snap peas for dinner. Let's hope it's good.

I'll be emptying my room tonight as L reckons he'll be painting my ceiling by tomorrow or Friday. The newly greened dining room is certainly coming on beautifully and he thinks he might even put the new light up tonight.

Still no baby!

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