Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2 Baskets $3.00

I can hardly believe the grocery stores are already advertising California strawberries on sale.

This delicious fruit is available all year round, but strawberries are never better than during late spring and early summer -- May and June. When they are in season, they have a wonderful aroma and flavor.

They are delicious raw. When they are dressed-up in ice cream or whipped cream or in shortcake, they step from the world of fruit to the first class stage of dessert.

I've always believed that the main reason for eating dinner is so I can have dessert. Dessert is the grand finale that makes everything that came before it so much more satisfying. And when all else fails, just eat the dessert! I give everyone permission to do so!

It's been a great day. I mean a truly great day. This morning I asked my students to take their cell phones out of their pockets. Then I said, "If your phone will take photos, hold it high in the air." Every student held his or hers high. So then I said, "Okay, everyone hand your phone to your neighbor and have him take your photo." They all giggled and the room exploded in conversation and swapping of phones. They were sitting in 6 small circles of approx. 6 students each around the perimeter of the room. I quietly walked to the center of the room, stepped-up on a chair. Standing there above all of them I re-captured their attention by stepping outside of my usual role in the front of the room.

Then I said, "If you don't like the photo your neighbor took of you then do this [as I held my phone out in front of me] and take your own photo." They all laughed out loud again. I stepped down from the chair and said, "Okay, now I want each of you to email your photo to me."

"Why?" They said. Because I am still trying to learn all of your names and I want to be able to match your name with your face. Several said, "Well, then go to my FaceBook." I said, "No, just email me your photo."

It was a fun moment. I'm only with my students 2 hours each week face-to-face. They rest of the time class is online. So learning all their names is a challenge.

It's hard to judge because it is only Week 4, but I'm having a very good semester with these students. I wish that they all had better reading and writing skills. I think some of them are beginning to believe that learning is important and that writing well is a valuable skill.

I'm having a great week. I hope you are too.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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