Oh, such a perfect day!


Today started badly, continued to go badly and has pretty much been bad all day.

We were just ready to leave for nursery when Wom did an enormous poo..... So I stripped him down and was just cleaning him up when Munchie said 'me do jobs'. The next second there's a clatter and I've got her crying hysterically saying my leg hurts, my leg hurts.

I realised her leg was wet and that the clatter was the steriliser falling onto the floor. (She'd gone to finish my job as I had said when mummy gets back, her first job is to take the bottles out of the microwave and sort them.) trousers off. No obvious marks. Still crying hysterically. Not leg, but foot. Peeled socks off, cold flannels applied. Fortunately we have a ready supply of flannels on the table as we use them up clean Wom up with.

Tried and failed to get her to keep foot in bowl so just kept wetting the flannels. Gave her Calpol. Concluded we needed to get it looked at so after far too many episodes of Peppa I attempted to wrap her foot in cling film so I could get a welly on it. She was having none of it.

Got to hospital, seen v quickly. Cleaned, dressed and follow up appointment made. She said she wanted to go to nursery so I rang to ask if that was ok, they were fine with it. By the end of the call, she was asleep. We headed home. She slept for an hour, awoke and pulled of the bandage! Luckily the dressing stayed put.

I asked her what she would like for lunch (as by now decided to take her to nursery for the afternoon as Wom had a settling session then too) Nuggets shop was the answer. So off we toddled to McDonald's for lunch!

Lunch eaten, arrived at nursery. Virtually every child in the room gave Munchie a hug when they saw her, so lovely. Took Wom to his room and headed off to do jobs. I'd just pulled onto the drive when my phone rang, it was nursery, Wom running a temperature, very distressed. Back to nursery I went, collected him, popped round to a lovely friends and killed the hour at hers before going to collect Munchie.

Daddy was home when we got back which was wonderful xx. The dressing got pulled off, not so wonderful. We did bath together, managed to redress to a fashion her foot and had two babies ready for bed. Wom then spewed up his milk, poor love. He was changed and settled down again quite quickly, Munchie fell asleep before story, watching Sarah and duck.

Am I glad today is nearly over, yes!

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