at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Pizza chef

She literally watched me roll out dough, then took the rolling pin and rolled out the bit of dough she'd been given to play with. She learns far too quickly. Hoping she's not going to learn pizza 'spinning' from Euan, as that mostly seems to involve throwing all the dough on the floor (he's stopped reading my blips these days, I can be as cheeky as I like). She was involved with every step of making her pizza, she spread the tomato sauce, put the vegeables on top and pretended to grate the cheese.

I managed to snap a photo this morning of her funny morning napping. .

She didn't fancy going to bed tonight, and in Euan's words 'ran round in circles like a loon' instead. She got to stay up to watch a bit of professional masterchef, recon she could give some of them a run for their money.

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