
By Madchickenwoman

All's well

Late blip because as you can see bit of an emergency this eve. But all is well now.
Friend had a bit of a hiccup with her reaction to chemo and was just finishing my write up when she called feeling rough. Ran up the road like a mad thing and found her in the toilet whereupon she became unresponsive and I called ambulance. Waited over 30 minutes and then by time they came she was coming out of it. Another friend had arrived with her tea and spent the time cleaning her kitchen whilst I did the looking after - having worked with children with medical conditions it takes a lot to phase me thank heavens.
Nice men and they stayed for an hour checking her and writing up their notes. By the time they left we'd talked about jobs, the computerisation of the note taking, fact they operate their phones on a different frequency so despite the fact mobile signal is patchy in the village to put it mildly, they could still contact base, schools, local area, childrens shows from days long past - Bagpuss, Mr Ben etc. Now left her tucked up in bed - was going to stay over but she felt 100% better and even had a little to eat.
Was going to take a photo of ambulance men but thats is not allowed! So took their ambulance instead on my phone! Much to their amusement and kitchen cleaning friends disbelief. Recovered friend knows me well and unfazed! She was pleased to think her drama provided a blip! But hopefully the first and last.

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