
By MamaOfBoys

The angry gull

Marley was a lot better today so went to school, Kanye is still home not 100%.

On the way to school I was talking to Marley about his aunties wedding next week when he suddenly piped up ' but I want to marry Aunty, can we be married? '

I gave a short talk on why he can't marry his Aunty but he could help with other jobs like the rings - he suddenly slapped his face and started to pretend cry and said ' I don't have a ring for Aunty! !'

He asked me if I could get one, I said I'd see what I could do. Out of the mouths of babe's hey! Clearly wasn't listening to why he can't marry his aunt.

I had a pretty productive day doing housework- getting to a few of those jobs that always seem to get left for another day.

This afternoon when I went to get Mar from school there was this gull looking at itself in the reflection of the water fountain and it was most unhappy with the gull looking back. There was pecking and wing flapping. I couldn't stop laughing as it stood there for about 10 minutes picking a fight with itself.

Some sparrows at one point got too close and it chased them away before going back into the ring with himself.

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