
By Igor

100 days to go ….

… before we jet off to Australia.

Mollymay (Anniemay’s sister) and husband Glyn have hired an RV (name of Matilda) so we can do the grey nomad thing and pretend we’re young again, without a care in the world.

We’re taking a road trip, heading East from Perth, into the desert before turning South to the point where the Southern Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. Anniemay is curious about this place - she’s expecting a dotted line drawn in the ocean to distinguish the two.

Then we’ll head North up the West coast and make our way back to Perth. Then we’ll have a proper wash and a sit down with a nice cup of tea and reminisce about the frogs in the toilets and the scary things that want to eat us and say stuff like ‘there’s no place like home’.

And then panic because we’ve forgotten to upload our blips. And Glyn will be the only one who is calm and relaxed because he’s the only who doesn’t blip.

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