
By Beewriter

Blow that hangover away...

Oooooh I had a good time last night...rather too good as I had a smidgen of a hangover this morning. I rarely drink and so when I do I only need a couple and then I'm anybody's ha ha...I had more than two last night!

I managed to drag myself up and out and off to work this morning, the walk helped to clear my head. It wasn't madly busy, thank goodness and I survived the day.

Last night Olivia, in all her sixteen years worth of wisdom, said that you must be nearer to death when you turn fifty. Hmmmm.....good job she's off to live in Australia!! Anyway, I didn't tell Jude that as she is fifty today.

Just as I was leaving work I remembered that I had promised to bake her a cake. I left work at 3pm, I was nipping round to see her at takes me half an hour usually to walk home. I powered my tired little legs and raced home....I whipped up a cake....I took it round just after it came out of the oven, with buttercream and lemon curd ready to add...I put it together at her house whilst she made a cuppa...we sat and ate it and had a quick chat and I returned home just after 5pm...phew!!

Now....well now I'm slonked on the sofa. Everything has caught up with me and I am completely bushed. I am very behind on comments and I hope I can stay awake to catch up with people.

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