Lali's World

By Lali

Makars' Court at night

Makars' Court is a courtyard next to the Writers' Museum in Edinburgh, in Lady Stair's Close. Its paving slabs have lots of inscribed quotations from Scottish literature. "Makar" refers to a Scots word that means an author or writer and it stresses their role as a "skilled and versatile worker in the craft of writing."

Everything is ready now for the Christmas Market and all the lights are on. I think tomorrow is the official opening. I guess that now, with Christmas around the corner, we'll start getting a bit busier.

I was feeling really tired today because I didn't have enough sleep last night. Just going to bed too late with one thing and another and then getting up too early..

I have to get up really early tomorrow again, so I'll try to go to bed soon this evening.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments about my squirrel yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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