River Feugh, Banchory

We took a trip up Deeside to Banchory to drop off unwanted clutter at the Red Cross charity shop. (We go there as they have a carpark and it's easier to unload bags and boxes.)

On the way back to Aberdeen, we stopped off at the Falls of Feugh* hoping to get a few good photographs of the torrent as it cascades over the rocks. Unfortunately, the bright sun caused a fair bit of glare so I crossed the bridge which spans the river and took this shot of the other side. The river runs more sedately here as it makes its way to join the River Dee a short distance away.

We had hoped there would be some salmon leaping as they made their spring run upstream but there were none to be seen today.

*The video from YouTube states that Banchory is in the northwest of Scotland. Of course, it's in the northeast about 16 miles from Aberdeen.

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