Chickens at school

The school where I am a governor have recenlty invested in chickens who are living in this bright red eglu. It seems to have taken the pupils by storm as the chickens started life at the school as living eggs, they hatched and grew up while at the school, one dying on the journey. They are named after member of staff who no longer work at the school. The first eggs have been laid too.

It was lovely to see the eglu as we still have ours, albeit green, from the days when we used to keep chickens at our place. We had them for a couple of years until they succumbed to some gastric disease, but in the time we had them they laid over 1200 eggs. We decided not to keep chickens again in forseable future because despite eglu being advertised for the back garden it was not really suitable for our back garden and I think ultimately contributed to their demise. But or next move will hopefully have more space and we can bring the eglu out of retirement.

I'd been at the school to sit on the interviewing panel for a post of responsibility. A very interesting morning which reminded me what it was like being on the other side of the table. And reinforced my joy at not having to be in that sort of position again!

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