All mod cons

Seen while out on a walk near us. Comfy seat while waiting your turn to use the facilities and a fridge to keep beer/wine/milk cool while waiting. Very posh I thought but not really the sort of thing you want in your front garden.

A little later on we passed an inconsiderate motorist who had parked so much on the pavement it was almost impossible to get by. It was a narrow pavement too and a busy road. I don't get this pavement parking either. It hinders and annoys pedestrians but makes no difference to road users as two cars cannot pass, one generally has to wait, so why not park entirely on the road rather than encroach on our limited space?

The morning had seen us in the gym where I managed to run 2 1/2 miles, the first run for 5 weeks following a hip muscle injury. We celebrated with a coffee before an afternoon of just jobs which seem to accumulate as quickly as rabbits can.

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