Guess who?

There is going to be a guess the baby competition at work, all the photos I have therefore taken today are of me. Don't I look cross?

I'm not cross though. A week of taking it easier has had top notch results and I strolled into my physio session today like a normal human. She was smiling too, a big improvement from last week, I haven't used a crutch all day. The odd thing is I feel there is such a massive difference and it feels like a proper treat walking round without crutches but to the majority I just look like I've got a bit of a limp I suppose. I had a nice chat with JazzyB's childhood best friend's sister this morning (SO random) and she marvelled at me "skipping about".

And I have a Big Announcement!! The freezer is empty and the plug will get pulled tonight! I turned my attention this afternoon to the cupboards, found 6 tins of beans and 5 tins of custard. Thanked my lucky stars that I have ordered another 4 tins of baked beans to arrive tomorrow.

What exciting rumblings these are, happy Friday xxx

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