
I've learnt a few things over the years. Just a few. But even a skull as thick as mine can't help getting a few things knocked into it after a while. And one of the things that I've come to realise is that you just can't tell people.

Take that man hurrying along the sidewalk - collar turned up against this goddamm drizzle and some kind of case in his hand. Now it might be that he's hurrying home to take his best girl out on a date and that case has got a big old box of candy for his sweetheart-with-a-sweet-tooth. Or maybe he's newly-married and in a rush to give his dearly-beloved wife a hallo kiss - he could even have kids that he wants to have cover their eyes so that he can surprise them with a nice toy out of that bag of his.

Or maybe the romance has all gone a bit sour and that bag has got a big, cold, scary knife in it.

Like I say, you just can't tell people.

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