Mummy, look at me.

Another grim night
I set up base camp in the nursery ready, sadly I took up residence at 9:45........
Long night but we survived, just.

Daddy left for work, cue major meltdown from Munchie when she woke and he wasn't here. Managed to keep both of them entertained in bed till 7:30 which was a result.

Down stairs and breakfast sorted. No TV caused a further meltdown but I stuck to my guns and it didn't go on till 5:00 for cbeebies. Munchie played, created, played and had great fun. She insisted trying on Woms snowsuit (aged 6-12) and was delighted when she got it on!

Daddy was really late getting home, from teatime onwards Munchie would cry a little saying I want my daddy, then be ok. Tears when he got home.

Bedtime went wrong! Not sure how but it did. Took till after 8:30 to get Munchie settled. Lee's just popped up to ask if the tortoises are in, erm no, opps!

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