I just don't know what to do with myself!

7:34 and I have been downstairs since 6:50, all chores done, glass of wine drunk, contemplating another! Both, repeat both children are in bed asleep!

Last night was frustrating.
Lee was meant to be on Wom duty, sadly he woke up before daddy had made it up to bed, didn't hear him, so I was awake looking after him. I had just about settled him when there was an enormous loud noise which was a pretty bad crash outside the house. Those that follow me may remember we had a crash outside the house back in the summer. This was carbon copy of the accident, but just worse. Luckily, as far as we are aware no one was injured. But the amount of noise, lights and flashing lights unsettled us all. The decision was made to let Wom sleep in our bed. Somehow, daddy slept through Wom waking?!?!? Munchie came into our room around 6, I headed to her bed to get another hours kip!

Munchie had fun at ballet, then was very excited to see her new fleece snowsuit had arrived. This is enormous on her (aged 2-3) but better than her brothers!

Lots of playing, making and general mess making. Took Munchie and auntie Sarah to our favourite shops 9th birthday. Munch was impressed that they had cake, she plonked herself on the floor to eat hers! Managed to get a few more Christmas presents, still got all the big presents to get though.

More playing at home, Wom loves to be sat up now. Bath was a tad fraught as she didn't want her foot dressing changed, eventually after letting her wear it in the bath for ages it came off with relative ease. She refused to have it redressed so we let her be. Wom fell asleep on my lap, Munchie fell asleep watching Sarah and duck before story.

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