what we did today...

By SarnieV

New frock ...

A last thing emergency blip of the new frock hanging up in my bedroom. Another eBay Karen Millan bargain - another perfect fit and lovely lovely dress. Love the 1970s pattern and the big buttons.

D has come home with the script for the nativity. He's got one of the two main roles so has a big pile of lines to learn. He's very excited to have so much to do in it ...guess that is a perk of being very able at reading. I'm going to be very prepared with tissues as his best pal is the other lead role. At one point the 2 of them have to hug after telling each other how important they are....

Inlaws have arrived for the weekend. Boys v excited to plan & make MIL bday cake. It was a chocolate hedgehog...and they had great fun pretending to be the hedgehog.... "not the knife" it screamed as I tried to cut us all a slice!

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