Mixed bag

Well....today I was up very early -6.30am. I was woken by something outside then my brothers alarm went off, I was a little grumpy as I was still tired.

Before we went out I managed to sneak in to the kitchen as daddy had left the gate open. I then got into the fridge, get a huge spoon from the cutlery drawer and ate one of daddy's fancy yogurts. It had chocolate balls too, which Were delicious as I told mummy when she came to find me when I was too quiet.

I got a cuddly Santa, we get a new Xmas teddy every year and this time he was my choice. We got him an outfit, hat & boots. On the way home I took my shoes and socks off to try on Santa's boots, they didn't got though.

This evening, I didn't want dinner. Mummy and daddy didn't force me to eat anything which was probably just as well, as minutes after everyone had finished I was very very sick. Not only is my sofa in the washing machine but also my jammies and sleep suit. Santa was lucky as I had moved him off my sofa seconds before.

So now its medicine and water before bed. I asking for fruit and milk, mummy says no way. Never mind, at least daddy agreed to sit into room to keep and eye on me until I fall asleep.

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