Hard days shopping

This is me after a hard days shopping. We were up very early looking to get a Xmas present before emetine mummy's friend from her work for a coffee. Mummy and I then headed for some Xmas jammies.

We got my sister, daddy and I all onesies. We also got me my Xmas eve jammies. We picked up some funny glasses and a Santa hat with beard for daddy for his last day of work before Santa comes.

After shopping we picked up some lunch before heading home. I had a big lunch but wasn't tired. So we headed out to pick up some nappies and a couple of other bits.

I was very pleased to see daddy when he got home from work. I had a big picnic of plastic food...I did try to feed grandma some when she FaceTime me.

I had a melt down at bed time. I was not happy. I did settle eventually though. I said, I'm not going to cry anymore, then promptly fell asleep.

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