Beautiful light

Wow, what a good day. We started with a full Scottish breakfast in the hotel watching the light hit one of the Forth bridges and the aeroplanes coming into land and taking off.
A swim in the pool with the little toddlers who were having a lesson in the shallow end.The deep end was deeper than any other leisure pool I've been in, I could nt touch the bottom at all ! Then steam room and sauna so nice and relaxed.
Bus ride to our next hotel near Leith. We could nt get into our room until 3, it was 11.30, but we could leave our bags.
Right next to the hotel was a footpath on the old railway line so we walked up it to see where it went and ended up on the water of Leith pathway. We followed the water , spotting a heron fish and mallards.
We ended up in the botanical gardens. The light was great although we had to shelter in the Queen Mothers grotto when a quick rain shower hit us. The sun came out revealing a rainbow and these trees looked so colourful.
On the way back to the hotel one stretch of water not only revealed a grey wagtail, ducks, merganser, a heron in a tree, a dipper and to our amazing surprise a kingfisher .It was there in front of us sitting on a twig and then with a flash of blue it was gone.

Next to the cinema to see the next Hunger games film. Fish and chips in the restaurant and there ends day 2 in Edinburgh :)

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