RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

An Opposite Image

Yesterday's shot at South of the Border Volleyball Vacations was all about the light and featured men's play at, and above, the net. Today the light is high overhead, it is women players and, while they are at the net, they couldn't get much lower. It was a long day of shooting, I captured well over 1,000 images, which meant that I had to shoot all day long, not just during the good light times. My primary job was to capture group photos at each net during both men's and women's tournament play and then get action shots of guests as they played with the six pros. The pros job on this trip is challenging, they have to play at a lower level than they typically do when competing, yet keep the ball alive so the guests have a feeling of success. I am continually amazed they manage to do that game after game, for hours in the hot sun. Here Angie Akers works hard to put a poor pass into a hittable position for her partner.

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