Night Sky

Back blipped Sunday 23/11/14

Taken just before midnight!!  And I snuck into bed just before 1 am like a naughty school girl, ha!!

Busy busy day, got to Mesopotamia Station around mid afternoon, delayed by may photo stops along the way.  Settled into our accommodation, sorted and and put names on rooms - we figured with 30 people it would be a good idea.  We had three houses to accommodate us all.

After a bite to eat, we did go further up the valley hoping for a sunset of sorts but nothing much happening as it was blowing an absolute houlie of a norwester and even difficult to keep the tripods stable - but of course, as a group of photographers do, there were plenty of photos taken.

We were just heading off to bed when one of our group ( a very keen night sky chap) reported that the skies were clearing, so him, myself and another friend hightailed it way up the station tracks to a spot he had sussed out earlier.  I'm a total amateur at this and appreciated their help.  This one is taken nearer the station yards and looking south (I was told that there is less star movement) - surely not the sunset, maybe aurora, wrong colour  - any ideas?

A great day and awesome night experiences.


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