A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Waderly deficient

I think these are Dunlins Calidris alpina and not Knots but I am not great with waders and didn't take a bird book or even a notebook. I'll do better next time. I also saw a Bar-tailed Godwit and possibly a Whimbrel.

There is a lovely description of Dunlins in my Book of British Waders from 1939 by Brian Vesey-Fitzgerald.

The Dunlin, too, is a master of aerial manoeuvre in large flocks. Every bird will bank, swerve, dive, turn at right angle as one. With each turn they change colour, so that a flock at a distance shimmers, is now visible, now invisible, now all white breast, now all dark back, now just nothing
Suddenly the flock skims the waves, rises abruptly, a cloud against the sun, rains down to the marsh. And instantly each bird is an entity, dibbling hither and thither, twittering contentedly.

What a beautiful observation.

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