Ticket Number 24...

...to counter 2 please!!

This was the delightful refrain that regularly punctuated this morning's Book Group meeting at the library. The latest feature of the 'state of the art' library is a tannoy system that allows workers in the Council's new One Stop Shop to summon people who are sitting ten feet away from them! With the added aroma of Oxtail Soup wafting over us from the corner café, it was amazing that we were actually able to concentrate on our book discussion/natter!!

A couple of weeks ago I showed you the outside of the town's new library so today I thought I'd show you the inside. The one good feature of the new building is that some beautiful Roman mosaics found at the site of an important Roman villa in the town are finally able to be put on display for the public to enjoy, underneath the glass floor. (I shall give you some more background info on these mosaics when I blip them, which I'm sure to do before long!)

I'll leave you to decide for yourself what you think of the layout of the new library...

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