............on the money............

Absolutely knackered tonight.......as is the Boss.................and the Daughter...........I think the weekend of hard graft at Dad's has caught up with us all.

Quiz night tonight....we lost.....it was a mega hard quiz........ but our captain bottled it on two of the four point questions...........we had the answers but he didn't have the balls to trust us and risk losing points.....we lost 46-44...........we should have won 46-48!

Still............two Co-codamol............and three pints when I've had almost a month of the booze............mean that I'm not angry about losing...........I will be tomorrow when the beer wears off.

Physio tomorrow..........I'll have to tell her about the quilt related accident with the knee..........and the long drives...........probably get a bollocking.........and some pain!

A few questions for you to try.
1. Which video game utilises 7 geometric shapes comprising four squares each?
2. Taken from the 1963 album Please Please Me which Lennon and McCartney became the first to reach number 1 when sung by another artist, namely Billy J. Kramer?
3. Which Lennon and McCartney song, taken from the 1966 album Rubber Soul became a number 11 hit for St. Louis Union?
4. Apart from a cocktail, a Mel Gibson movie and a song by the Eagles what is a Tequila Sunrise?
5. Apart from being a cheese what else is a Stinking Bishop?
6.In the Simpsons version of Cluedo who apart from Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa and Krusty the Clown is a suspect in the murder of Montgomery Burns?
7. Which Welshman has the record for playing in the most Merseyside derby matches?
8. Which centre forward played his last game for England aged 33 against Wales in 1958?
9. The Farne Islands are in which shipping forecast area?
10. Which seasonal confectionery is celebrated in Dresden on the second Sunday of Advent?
(8 and 9 are the two four pointers we should have claimed!)

Das vidanya moy padruga.

2. Do You Want To Know A Secret?
3. Girl
4. A rose
5. A pear
6. Waylon Smithers
7. Neville Southall
8. Nat Lofthouse
9. Tyne
10. Stollen

Told you they were hard!

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