
By Fisherking

.........little cracker?.........

Day 2 of the Great Tidy at Dad's bungalow.

I have back blipped day 1 if you want the full gripping narrative.

Terrible night's sleep..........strange house.....strange bed.......awake three times......gave in and got up at 6.00...........left the boss and the Daughter until 9.30!

Breakfast.......and straight back to work.......spare room finished off......another two loads of washing done...........garage and shed tidied........cupboards in both bedrooms sorted.

Found this in the back of a cupboard..........Dad bought it about 4 years ago when he came to visit........tried to talk him out of it but to no avail.......have brought it home to see if he has used it much..........and also to use it when the Siberians come visit.

Made sure everything was ship shape and locked up and left Dad's just after 3.00...........called at the Boss' Dad's on the way home.......both he and his wife have deteriorated in the last month..........they are both 90!.....and it looks like decisions will have to be made about their care seems like both Dad's and the step Mother have all hit the wall at the same time........could be a stressful end to the year/start to the New Year.

Left just after 4.30........home after another 2 hour drive.......unpacked the car.......including the minging bathroom carpet from Dad's..........his nearest tip is 20 miles away from his we've chopped it up.........double wrapped it in black bin bags.....and we'll have to take it to our local tip sometime this week.

Sent out for a Chinese take away..........we're all just sitting here.........sunken eyed and exhausted....but at least we know that if the worst comes to the worst we have somewhere we can stay...........and if Dad does recover he has a tidy place to return
to...........a hot shower and an early night looming large........another busy week at work coming up.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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