
By Madchickenwoman


As a very heartfelt thank you for putting me in the spotlight - here are a couple of hearts for you!
Today was a dog day! As in walking portly Lucy and ball obsessed Kess! Lucy came up to the allotment with me to see the chickens - she liked them - they really didn't like her and hid in one corner of the plot!
I finally finished the kitchen tidy up and clean I started yesterday - yes I had a visitor coming! A lovely woman I met at the Contemporary Crafts Festival at Bovey Tracey in June. She makes glass chandeliers that are simply so beautiful I nearly cried when I saw them! When I touched my favourite one and it moved I did cry! So as she had put one up in Cotehele she came to see me! Watch this space in January!!!
Next lunch with friend who is feeling a little better - then grabbed Kess for a walk on Kit Hill. Brilliant views and place to lob a ball. He moves like the wind - so powerful! There were several Basset Hounds up there - seemed like some convention! All in red or blue warm coats - woosies! Lovely but I prefer the more outdoor collie type of dog! Kess is an Australian sheep dog cross - with one brown, one blue eye. Very intelligent.
As I happily threw her ball I noticed the long trail of the commuters headlights heading back into Cornwall. I was reminded afresh that this was my past life, here was I, on a Tuesday afternoon, playing with a friends dog. So hence the blip - the scarlet berries of the Roan in focus forefront, the commuters lights distant and out of focus.
So now happily sat with my friend in her kitchen / family room, wood burner replenished and radiating heat, her all tucked up on the sofa with a duvet and blanket, having managed a decent portion of my fish pie, talking blipping, traumas of dogs and childhood, our aches and pains, hers more than mine (but I tried! ) and my vices of which there are many and are, I fear, the tip of the ice berg - only being the ones I can identify, there probably exist loads more I am in blissful ignorance of!!

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