Pre birthday tea.

Grotty night.
At one point I was going between the pair of them, it did cross my mind to put them both in our bed but I didn't.

Got them both to nursery from around 8:15, good job I wasn't going to work today all things considered. Popped to the retail park and got a few supplies. Home. Sorted out the toy boxes and the toys in Charlotte's room as well as putting a huge amount into freecycle. Hopefully this will be collected tomorrow. Made a list of jobs to do tomorrow to keep me busy.

Wom did 8-1 at nursery today, apart from no poo, the session went well. Tomorrow he does 9:30-4:30!

Picked Munchie up early and went out for pre birthday tea as lee is away tomorrow. She was a tired tinker so sitting on her bottom, on the chair, was a challenge but playing with the pizza wheel kept her entertained and she devoured the icecream.

Came home and let her open her presents from us. She loves her shopping trolley, as well as the food we got her for the kitchen. Bath / shower completed and all little people asleep xxxx

Can't quite believe our little girl is three tomorrow.

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