Exit stage left

By NessD


A full day's work today, admittedly only achieved by being able to work from home, and then I finally made it out of the house and up to London.

Really unhealthy tea.

A vanilla latte when I asked for a regular. My accent's not that Northern.

Just missed a train.

Chewing gum on back of jeans from chair at station.

Didn't realise they'd finally opened the interchange at Bond Street so went the long way round.

Just missed a bus and got a tad rained on.

STILL a whole day's work and made it up to friends' in time for a quick chat and an easier journey tomorrow. Progress.


Of course, it's now 02:24, can't sleep, head banging, nose bunged and hips sore from lying in bed for ages. At home I'd head for the magic sofa and pray for sleep. Here I'll try and relax and not let the optimism that tomorrow will be even better dissipate.

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