
By acr83

Mischievous Cat

Olive is just like a neglected child at the moment. She is always getting into mischief. She started yesterday with the bird and the scratching and continued today with a bit of everything. I do like how she has posed the same as the monkey on Lincoln's wall. I'm not such a fan of her being on the mattress which is there to be aired out before I make the cot up but she could be getting up to worse.

Lincoln and I headed out today to do some Christmas shopping and other errands. We got everything we needed which was great. Most exciting for me was 4 terabytes of external storage. We have never had our photos backed up before so it was definitely time. We will now have one back up at home and another at someone else's house in case of fire or theft.

Later on, Lincoln and I hung out in the back yard for a bit. He loved watching the ducks.

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